Saturday, August 27, 2016

Widespread corruption at the VA Medical and Rehabilitation Center located at White City, Oregon.

This corruption is from the top-down. The Department of Veterans Affairs should be wanting to address corruption at this particular VA center but evidently they don't seem to care. You'd think that our United States Senators would take a keen interest in the corruption at VA centers, particularly those in their area of representation. Sadly, from Senator Wyden I got the 1) We'll pass your letter onto the VA center, 2) Here's the reply from the VA Center; sorry you didn't get what you wanted, finished. No authentic concern, no questioning of the lies by the VA director, no questioning of the many items related to an incident that occurred that relates to the war museum having mannequins of Nazi soldiers, photographs of Adolf Hitler, the History Channel being on and with programming at the time of torture, an out-patient making overt physical threats (the real criminal, not me even though I was treated as such by doing nothing unlawful), an illogical, irrational, power monger on-site police officer who lied about who called for security (I shouted for security to try to prevent an out-patient to continue in what he was starting), the illogical police officer wanting me to admit to politics not allowed to be spoken at the center (note some items above that would prompt the speaking of politics though what I was speaking of would not really be considered as politics anyway), the police officer directing me to de-facto imprisonment with no explicit allowance of humanitarian needs, the police officer then harassing me by parking behind where I was sitting in a vehicle and steering me down, making me even more fearful of him and all the while I badly needed to use a restroom.

The VA Director who I had no contact with was able to write about me. Just how could this be done? Obviously he'd have to garnish the information from someone else. Those others would be in the on-site police department. The lies were too numerous. THIS IS A SERIOUS ISSUE: although I am seeking corrective action, including the termination of the power monger police officer, pushing for a better job in determining if out-patients should really be in-patients (such as the out-patient who is a danger to the public as I encountered), moving the war museum to a different location, not having the History Channel available at the centers, pushing for police to be trained in logic and moderation of their ego manifestations, and after receiving the letter of lies signed by the director, I feel he should be terminated as well as his behavior indicates hatred of what this nation stands for, had I or anyone else for that matter if being railroaded by improper police action along with lies and covering-up by the director, there would be no justice. This is not a banana republic but while those in power such as Senator Wyden, in their inaction, this nation is moving in that direction. What was amazing is how none of the items I mentioned above were addresses except one or two and were heavily slanted and with fabrications. To Senator Wyden, this was all OK. So here's where I will talk about politics: evidently our government can be allowed to be corrupt, be out of control, be hurting this country in their inordinately high salaries which is bankrupting this nation (I show how we could save $1 trillion per year by cutting just 20% of the under-worked, bad attitude haters of the United States and reducing the compensation of the remainder to 15% below that of the private sector and this applies to state and local government employees as the federal government could withhold money until in compliance). Look what it took to get the VA medical centers a popular item of discussion in the widespread corruption related to medical care. It was years upon years of corruption going on. Were the members of Congress doing anything about the problems early on as they oversee the operation or did they have to first wait for the blast by the media and the public crying foul first? I think we all know how it works. Members of the United States Congress have to feel the pressure to act else fear not getting elected again. When their future power and salary in limbo, they usually start to take interest.

If you have pride in this country and pride for the state of Oregon, do not vote for Senator Wyden.

We do not need lip service and otherwise destroyers of this nation in failing to adequately oversee federal and quasi federal operations (USPS and Federal Reserve Bank for example), those whom fail to recognize how the high government employee compensation is bankrupting this nation, those whom push for a higher minimum wage and still do not address the underlying problem of a higher cost of living (hint: home and rental prices are too high and I provide the solutions on the 40-page site: yet Senator Wyden does what he can to hurt us by playing the inflation game where many get trampled over), those whom push for wasteful bureaucratic legislation relating to "global warming", those whom fail to recognize the excessive immigration problem, those whom fail to recognize how we could be harvesting far more trees than currently allowed, those whom fail to recognize the simple means to prevent and put out forest fires.